About me

I am a 5th year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Northeastern University, working with Prof. David A. Smith. My research interests are in natural language processing, machine learning and computational social science, broadly speaking. Prior to coming to Northeastern, I received a master’s degree in computer science at the Johns Hopkins University (where I worked with Ryan Cotterell on quantifying the ideosyncrasies of Chinese classifiers), a master’s degree in electrical engineering at Stanford University, and bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering and physics at UCLA.

Email: liu.shij [at] northeastern.edu

Recent News

  • September 2023. An abstract titled “Tracing Accounts of Racial Terror in Historical Newspapers” was accpeted to TADA 2023.
  • June 2022. Started as an Applied Scientist Intern at Amazon.
  • December 2020. Attended coling and gave a talk on code-switching in historical German books.
  • October 2020. A paper titled “Detecting de minimis Code-Switching in Historical German Books” was accepted to COLING 2020.
  • September 2020. A paper titled “Measuring the Similarity of Grammatical Gender Systems by Comparing Partitions” was accepted to EMNLP 2020.
  • August 2019. Started Ph.D. studies in computer science at Northeastern University.
  • June 2019. Attended NAACL and gave a talk on the Mandarin Chinese classifier system.
  • February 2019. A paper titled “On the Idiosyncrasies of the Mandarin Chinese Classifier System” was accepted to NAACL 2019.